1.) Stalkerlist can be found here:
http://apps.facebook.com/stalkercheck/2.) Write the names of everyone on your stalkerlist below.
4.) Tag everyone you mentioned.(
sapa ada gmbar kat atas tu sila buat tag nie!)..
ok saya jarang buat tag.. so nie kali korang kena buat gak tau.. sbb tag nie mcm best je.

→ Are you honestly surprised about any of these?
takdelah sgt.. sbb sblum dah pernah buat beberapa kalu.. hohoho..→ How did you meet 4?
Dia kawan masa saya PLKN.. hohoho...→ How much does 9 mean to you?
hahah.. mean? not reallylah.. sbb baru kenal dia kat fb.. sblum kenal gak kat UUM tapi dia org besar aku org kecil (ceh mcm lagulah plak)→ Describe 14 in two words.
kawan fath... hahah.. ye sbb dia mutual friend saya dan fath...→ What is your most fond memory with 19?
hoho.. dialah baby pertama dalam family Rahman.. which is cucu pertama.. dahlah sgt tembab...→ Do you know all of 2's secrets?
hahahah.. tahu ke? tak tahu.. hohoho→ If you could marry either 1 or 19, who would it be?
hahaha no comment.. hahaha.. sapa2 yang rase diri dia tinggi dari aku meh2 datang minang.. lelaki sahaja.. sbb saya straight.. hahahha→ How far do you think you are on 5's stalkerlist?
no 1.. hahahah perasan..→ When is the next time you're going to see 7?
hahah esok dah jumpa.. n hari2 jumpa kalu tak cuti.. dia teman sepejabat...→ When is the last time you saw 17?
masa CTAP kat seri costa... lepas tu dah tak jumpa dah..→How do you think 13 feels about you?
hahahha.. dia kata saya buncit... :(→ Are 11 and 12 anything like each other?
orang utara! satu SP satu penang.. hah dekatlah tu..→ Describe the relationship between 8 and 14.
they obviously dont know each other→ Would you ever want to date 18?
nope.. sbb dia adalah kwn fb..→ How 9's parents are/were like?
hhaha.. tak tahulah.. sbb kwn fb merangkap member UUM bak kata tadi.. dulu kat UUM saya kenal dia.. dia tak kenal saya.. so jwpannya tak tahu..→ Is 10 single?
hahaha.. tak kot..→ If you had never met 6, how would your life be different?
different? jap pikir...→ If you could tell 8 one thing right now, what would it be?
ermm.. "nk cakap ape?" tulah yang dicakp..→ What is the funniest thing you've ever heard 16 do?
hahah.. dia memang lucu.. suka nak buat muka macho.. lepas tu layan series.... erkk..→ How did you meet 15?
sejak dia lahir ke dunia.. dia sepupu saya...→ How did you come to be friends with 15?
hohoho.. dah kata dia sepupu saya...→ If 3 died, would you be lost?
uish.. abislah... taknak2.. dahlah saya ada sorang je kakak..→ What is the weirdest thing you've ever seen 4 do?
semua benda dia adalah purple.. sampai kuih pun kalu ade kaler purple dia akan amik kuih yg tu makan.. sabun basuh baju pun mcm tu gak..(tak tahulah skrang mcm tu gak ke tak)→ What is 5's only weakness?
ermm.. ape?→ Are you friends with any of 19's friends?
ermm.. byklah jugak..→ Do you think 16 and 8 would make a good couple?
errrkkkk mane nak tahu jodoh ALLAH bagi.. keke.. tapi diaorg nie tak pernah jumpa kot..→ Who is 7 to you?
my office mate.. kami 2 je pegawai perempuan diantara kumbang2...→ If 1 and 3 hated each other, what would change?
hahaha.. alamak.. kalu 1 ngan tiga gado.. saya sakit kepala.. kekekke→ If 2 said to you that she/he loved 5, what would your response be?
eh? → Is 11 anything like 18?
dua2 adalah kawan 13→ How much trust do you have in 12?
as much as she trust me tooo.. hahahaha→ If you fell off a bridge, would you trust 13 or 17 to catch you more and why?
maybe 13.. sbb 17 tu kecik jedari saya.. takut nnti dia jatuh skali.. hahaha..→ Is 12 fun to be around?
of course.. dia kan coursemate saya..→ What M/F or M/M or F/F pairing on this list would be the best and why?
1/3. 19/21 15.. hahaha sebb meraka adalah family.. OHANA..→ Who do you like most out of all of these?
~ walaupun cinta saya ke atas fb.. smakin kurang.. tapi takpe.. fb ade Farmville..sbbtu saya syg lagi kat fb...~~ ok kwn sekalian.. seperti.. nadia KAY, Liz Violet, InCIk BlacK, CIk Ara, UMmU HAnis, PAAN FF, Deq NAd, WanI... adalah WAJIB Buat menda nie...~hahahaha dera org..